

Dream | Believe | Achieve



Bikini Prep Series: Zoodle Pasta & Turkey Sauce

Since I am currently in my off season, and am eating intuitively rather than keeping a strict diet (only until the fall), I’m taking the opportunity to use my spare time to experiment with new recipes that are prep friendly. My coach, Brandan Fokken, provides me with a weekly meal plan, and since I have never been very creative with food, I’ve always just eaten what I was told in the most basic way possible (Ie. crock-pot chicken with steamed broccoli). My current goal is to find recipes that are both easy and delicious, and that will help me  get a little bit more variety out of my meal plan. Of course, you,  my followers will benefit from my experimentation, and all of my bikini prep friendly creations will be shared in the Bikini Prep Series! Woohoo!

I won’t lie- this first recipe isn’t the most exciting thing to look at, and I was definitely nervous to hand a bowl full of green zucchini to my taste tester (my boyfriend). But, to my surprise, he approved and even went for seconds! If that isn’t convincing enough for you to give this a try, then I don’t know what is!

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“Ultra Clean” Protein Fudgsicles


1 c Chocolate Greek Yogurt
1 scoop Chocolate Cupcake  Royal Sport Ultra Clean 100™  (or your favorite protein)
1 tbsp. honey


Blend all ingredients together until smooth and pour into ice pop mold (can be purchased at most grocery stores). If desired, add sprinkles to the top or bottom of popsicles. Freeze until solid & enjoy this ultra clean summer treat!

Serving Size: 2 Pops (My pop mold made 6), Calories: 75.25, Protein: 9g, Carbs: 9g, Fat: <1g

Optional Additions
Before pouring your mix into the ice pop mold, fill the bottom with chocolate sprinkles for an even sweeter treat!

You can also add a tablespoon of peanut butter!

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